Using organic LED in intelligent food packaging for quality monitoring of meat products – OLED Lumin FoodPack

Provision of consulting support for the project “Development of innovative smart packaging for on-site, non-destructive food quality assessment using organic photonics in packaging materials,” with the acronym OLED_Lumin_FoodPack and project code: T2ΕDΚ-04175. «Co‐financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under… Continue reading Using organic LED in intelligent food packaging for quality monitoring of meat products – OLED Lumin FoodPack

Securing Supply Chain Traceability Using Distributed and Embedded Security Mechanisms – ARTEMIS.

Το έργο επικεντρώνεται στην προστασία του Ελληνικού γενετικού υλικού ελιάς μέσω του χαρακτηρισμού του με σύγχρονα, καινοτόμα εργαλεία γονιδιωματικής, φαινομικής, μεταβολομικής και γενετικής. Επίσης, στοχεύει στην αξιοποίηση του με χρήση κλασσικών αλλά και καινοτόμων αγρονομικών και γενετικών προσεγγίσεων που θα διαφοροποιήσουν και θα βελτιώσουν το τελικό προϊόν και την καλλιέργεια προσδίδοντας επιθυμητά αγρονομικά, διατροφικά και… Continue reading Securing Supply Chain Traceability Using Distributed and Embedded Security Mechanisms – ARTEMIS.

Holistic Management of Olive Fruit Fly and Gloeosporium in Olive Oil Production and Quality – ELIADA.

The olive cultivation in recent years (2015-2018) faces serious problems from the outbreak of Gloeosporium disease (Colletotrichum spp.). The damage to production can be almost total, especially in years with high populations of olive fruit flies like in 2018, where the damage is estimated to have exceeded 1 billion euros. Such phenomena pose a real… Continue reading Holistic Management of Olive Fruit Fly and Gloeosporium in Olive Oil Production and Quality – ELIADA.

Utilization of by-products and waste from olive oil production for the production of innovative biofunctional animal feeds and quality animal products – OliveFeed

Close up of chicken hen feeding in cage, selective focus

The project aims to design and produce innovative animal feed from olive mill by-products/waste using advanced extraction and isolation technologies. The need for high-quality animal feed is significant, as the market is often flooded with imported feed of questionable quality, which in many cases incurs substantial costs for the national economy. At the same time,… Continue reading Utilization of by-products and waste from olive oil production for the production of innovative biofunctional animal feeds and quality animal products – OliveFeed

Characterization and exploitation of olive genetic material with the goal of adaptation to climate change and the production of high nutritional and organoleptic value olive oil products – ELIADA.

The project ELIADA focuses on the protection of Greek olive genetic material through characterization using advanced, innovative tools in genomics, phenomics, metabolomics, and genetics. It also aims to utilize this material through both traditional and innovative agronomic and genetic approaches, which will enhance and differentiate the final product and cultivation by providing desirable agronomic, nutritional,… Continue reading Characterization and exploitation of olive genetic material with the goal of adaptation to climate change and the production of high nutritional and organoleptic value olive oil products – ELIADA.

Flagship Action ‘The Vineyards Routes’

The company developed the consolidated database, which includes the results of wine sample analyses, within the framework of the project titled “Flagship Action ‘The Vineyards’ Routes Subproject II: Chemical-Organoleptic Characterization of Varieties – Biosynthetic Pathways – Winemaking,’” with code ELKE 321.0002_SAE 018SE01300000, funded by the National Public Investment Program.

Innovative application for real-time personal safety and security services focused on tourists – TOURISTA 24/7

The project TOURISTA 24/7 focuses on the development, intellectual property protection, and commercial exploitation of an innovative real-time personal safety application for tourists (both Greek and foreign) traveling to Greece or Cyprus, whether for business or leisure ( Leveraging the capabilities of modern smartphones and telecommunications, the application offers a comprehensive solution to alert users… Continue reading Innovative application for real-time personal safety and security services focused on tourists – TOURISTA 24/7

Aegean sponges and edible snails as alternative sources for collagen and bioactive compound production – ASESCoBIS

Το έργο αφορά τη διοργάνωση ημερίδων και συνεδρίων καθώς και την υποστήριξη και προετοιμασία για την παρουσίαση των αποτελεσμάτων του έργου, για την DALCOCHEM A.Β.Ε.Ε.Φ.Α. στο πλαίσιο της πράξης Συνεργασία 2011 – Συμπράξεις Παραγωγικών και Ερευνητικών Φορέων σε Εστιασμένους Ερευνητικούς και Τεχνολογικούς Τομείς – ΓΓΕΤ.

System for Assessing Acceptable Environmental Flow in Rivers and Streams of Greece – ECOFLOW

The ECOFLOW project aims to establish a systematic and standardized process for assessing environmentally acceptable flow levels in rivers and streams whose flow is affected by water management infrastructure projects (dams, reservoirs, pumping stations, etc.). The project is funded by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology and is being implemented in collaboration with HCMR… Continue reading System for Assessing Acceptable Environmental Flow in Rivers and Streams of Greece – ECOFLOW