Training Curriculum Development for AI & E-Learning Platform – SDG Data Challenge

In the frameowork of the SDG Data Challenge ID 700112 project, funded by EIT Deep Tech, an initiative supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union, the company has developed a comprehensive AI training program, which includes: ✅ Real-world AI applications for addressing global challenges✅ TensorFlow fundamentals, with… Continue reading Training Curriculum Development for AI & E-Learning Platform – SDG Data Challenge

Models and tools for enhancing the resistance and the resilience to wildfire in natural protected areas and wildland-urban interfaces – RES2FIRE

The objective of RES2FIRE (IPA-ADRION00233) is to develop common solutions, procedures and methodologies to address the risk of forest fires in the IPA ADRION programme area. Achieving this goal will allow for an in-depth understanding of fire risk and the identification of ecosustainable measures to reduce the number, extent and severity of damages caused by… Continue reading Models and tools for enhancing the resistance and the resilience to wildfire in natural protected areas and wildland-urban interfaces – RES2FIRE

Transboundary ecological connectivity of the Alps and the Dinaric Mountains – DINALPCONNECT.

The project “DINALPCONNECT” aims to enhance transnational cooperation to reduce fragmentation and improve ecological connectivity for the long-term conservation of biodiversity in the Dinaric Mountains and their connection to the Alps. The strategy of “DINALPCONNECT” for ecological connectivity is based on spatial analysis of existing corridors and barriers, providing a framework at a macro-regional level.… Continue reading Transboundary ecological connectivity of the Alps and the Dinaric Mountains – DINALPCONNECT.

“Knowing circular economy in Black Sea Basin – BSB-CIRCLECON”

Provision of external expert services within the framework of the project “Knowing Circular Economy in Black Sea Basin – BSB-CIRCLECON,” funded by the EU under the ENI CBC BSB program. Our company provides external expert services within the framework of the project “Knowing Circular Economy in Black Sea Basin – BSB-CIRCLECON” with Project Number BSB1021,… Continue reading “Knowing circular economy in Black Sea Basin – BSB-CIRCLECON”

Post Coal Futures Lab (EIT Climate KIC)-PCFL

Our company provides external expert services within the framework of the project “Post Coal Futures Lab,” funded by the EU through the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) under the Horizon 2020 program. The Post Coal Futures Lab project addresses the interconnected systemic challenges of the coal transition within and between the Just Transition… Continue reading Post Coal Futures Lab (EIT Climate KIC)-PCFL

Transboundary Air Pollution Health Index Development and Implementation-TRAP

Our company provides external expert services within the framework of the project “Transboundary Air Pollution Health Index Development and Implementation, TRAP,” with MIS code: 5032912, funded by the EU under the European Territorial Cooperation program “INTERREG IPA CBC Greece – Republic of North Macedonia 2014-2020.” As part of our services, the company supported ERFC in… Continue reading Transboundary Air Pollution Health Index Development and Implementation-TRAP

Creation of a Methodological Guide for the Application of Tools for Monitoring Social Investments-IDEA

Our company is participating in the project “Investment Development and Empowerment Action” (IDEA) and is responsible for the implementation of the deliverable “P.5.4.2 – Creation of a Methodological Guide for the Application of Tools for Monitoring Social Investments.”The IDEA project aims to create an information portal through which participatory design of social interventions will be… Continue reading Creation of a Methodological Guide for the Application of Tools for Monitoring Social Investments-IDEA

Food Art Movement Energy – the ROAD to Country Expirience – FAME

The company has undertaken the provision of support services to ERFC for the implementation of specific actions under the project “Food Art Movement Energy – the ROAD to Country Experience, FAME ROAD,” with OPS code 5003628, co-financed at 85% by the European Union through the Interreg V-A Greece-Italy program and 15% by national resources. The… Continue reading Food Art Movement Energy – the ROAD to Country Expirience – FAME

Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the domains of Digital Transformation, Circular Economy and Sustainable Development – PROMETHEUS

The PROMETHEUS project is an initiative by universities, research centers, and businesses from Greece, the Netherlands, Italy, Romania, and North Macedonia, with the vision to develop and share the capacity to support innovation and entrepreneurship in the field of digital transformation related to the circular economy, climate change, and sustainable development. The main objective of… Continue reading Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the domains of Digital Transformation, Circular Economy and Sustainable Development – PROMETHEUS

“GREEN-skiLls for a systAiNable Development – GREENLAND”

The company has undertaken the provision of services for the implementation of the co-financed project: “GREEN-skiLls for a systAiNable Development – GREENLAND”, which is being carried out within the framework of the European project GREENLAND (B_A.3.1_0048), funded by the EU under the ENI CBC Med program for European Territorial Cooperation in the Mediterranean Basin. The… Continue reading “GREEN-skiLls for a systAiNable Development – GREENLAND”