Electric City Transport – Ele.C.Tra.

The Ele.C.Tra. program, “Electric City Transport,” is based on a scooter-sharing system and aims to reduce environmental pollution caused by public transportation while improving the quality of life through the promotion of a new sustainable urban mobility model utilizing electric scooters.

The project will be implemented in collaboration with eleven partners from eight European countries and is co-funded by the Intelligent Energy – Europe program of the European Union under project code IEE/12/041/SI2.644730 (Total budget: €1,266,186.00). The project duration is from July 1, 2013, to December 31, 2015 (30 months).

The company has undertaken the development of the GIS platform to map information related to scooter usage. Additionally, it is responsible for the project’s communication activities, which include the development, design, and support of the website, the design of printed materials, and the coordination of meetings and actions among all partners.